Monday, October 15, 2012

Does an OOH ad display give more attention to customers?

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of outdoor advertising media as compared to other means of promotion adopted by brand/business owners. Keep reading.
One of the major benefits of promoting a brand or business through outdoor advertising media is that people give more of their attention to a particular outdoor ad display as compared to those ads on radio, print or television media. People really take time to get any kind of brand message that is displayed at a huge billboard at the traffic point or beside the flyover. The bright, bold and big display of brand message through an OOH advertising media provide a unique impression about the product or service on customers’ mind. People who read the brand message most often get back to the Brand Company or concerned organization for more information on it. 

Brand advertisers also consider OOH advertising media a flexible means of communication as compared to other forms of advertising. In terms of costing, an OOH ad display does not cost much to change the advert that is displayed through posters or billboards. Nevertheless digital technology has revolutionized outdoor advertising tools over the last few years. Advertisers can sit back at their offices, log onto the server and make any required change in the current ad display. One can also change the ad display in a much easier manner without wasting time and energy. 

Digital billboards, bulletin boards, digitalized hoardings, electronic kiosks; product displays, translit etc. are some of the modern tools of outdoor advertising implemented by advertisers to promote their products and services among target groups. The number of brands in the market keeps rising meanwhile more innovative means of brand communication are also continuously launched. Outdoor Advertising domain is burgeoning day by day. Brand new avenues of outdoor advertising are also introduced by outdoor advertisers to profess and practice their advertising rights. OOH Advertising campaigns have become an essential part of the promotion mix of most of the brand and business owners these days.

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